Sunday, January 11, 2015

What it means to be a REAL'tor

As surprising as it is to me, most people I talk to get it right. Real Estate is a 'relationship' business. Which is all the more surprising that so many Realtor's spend so little time actually building relationships. They are typically tossed into the oblivion and promise of cash and realize almost as soon as that license goes active that while they have plenty of promises of cash and big commission checks, there is really nobody standing around ready to help guide them. 

This one piece of advise will save you literally years of wondering and heartache. This is and always will be a relationship business. Have you ever heard the statement: It's not what you know it's who you know? I am sure you probably have. This business principal has not changed in a long time and I don't see it doing so anytime soon. In fact, only growing all the more relevant as transparency becomes predominant in today's marketplace. That being said, does anybody want to know you? 

We now live in a world where people can decide if they like you or not based on one thing. Your Facebook account. This is a good thing, if, and only if you are using it right. The consumer wants to know who you are before they call you. Thanks to Social Media we can now develop a relationship before we ever even talk to each other. 

Anytime I have ever wanted to do business with someone, I had to build a relationship with that person. In some cases the person turned out to be someone they said they were not. In some cases that person was me. Living a life of false perceptions that I needed to live and do things a certain way to please other people. You need to understand that's not the case. It never was the case but I can see where you got that false perception. 

I hear so many Realtor's talk negatively about Social Media and it saddens me to know they will soon be extinct for this thinking. 

"Well, anybody can go out there and post anything negative about me that they want to!" Maybe you should stop doing things to develop a negative reputation. 

You should develop confidence in the fact that you can be who you are and be who you want to be and in today's day and age, you will be accepted by those that share your beliefs. Doesn't that sound much better? You have an amazing story and today's consumer wants to hear it. When you think about that, you no longer have to worry about the negativity, the false data provided by those you were unable to please because more than likely -- you should have never been working together in the first place. 

Lets think of this in terms of dating online. You go out, build an honest profile in hopes that someone else out in the cyber world is your perfect match. Wouldn't it be great if something like this existed in Real Estate? It does:

It is the same thing in business. Be who you are as a person and there will be plenty of people out there looking to do business with you because of who YOU are. 

In Transparent Marketing, a term being utilized by today's marketing professionals, the consumer doesn't want to be fed a book of lies. Those lies are what has us here today. People and businesses promising one thing with a completely different agenda led by completely different people than you were led to believe they were. Your clients are fed up with this. They simply want the truth and they want it to be clearly communicated. In the same sense they want the truth about who you are. They are not perfect and they know you aren't either. Knowing those things they would rather do business with someone that can admit those faults. Tell your clients what you can't do and they'll believe you when you tell them what you can do. 

I am 100% positive that anytime you have ever done business with someone and things didn't happen as promised or people weren't who they said they were, you were upset about it. So, why would you do this to your own clients? Did you ever stop to think that is why it happens to you? What you project the world projects back to you. 

You go out and shop with your pocket book -- people will shop you the same way. Think about it. Have you ever told someone you couldn't purchase something that you were certainly in the market for but didn't because 'you didn't have the money' or you 'don't have the credit' and then low and behold those same types of people and excuses appear in your life? 

What I want you to do is take a deep breath; In and out and understand that it is OK to be who you want to be. It is perfectly fine to accept who you are and stop pretending to be something you are not. There are millions of people just like you in this country (and this world) who will respect you for that. Who will also want to do business with you because of that. 

What you are going to notice is more satisfied customers referring you to more people just like yourself to do business with. 

There are many parts to a Realtor's job and that starts with being REAL with who you are so you can build REAL relationships with REAL people to attain REAL results in your business. 

So you are a new agent struggling to get started because nobody will show you the path to major success in this business. Be you. Be authentic to who you are and spread that message as far and as fast as possible. You need people to know who you and what your passion is. (Real Estate) 

Where can you spread that message? Social Media. I don't mean go private messaging everyone on your friends list telling them who you are and what you do. There is an appropriate and extremely successful way to get new business. If you are unaware of these approaches, check out: R|MASTERMINDS.

Work your power bases (friends, family, work associates, etc) These people already know who you are and will help spread your message as well. 

Funny right? Most people fake who they are but the first thing they do is go out and talk to everyone that truly knows them about doing business together. 

You can do this and it won't take you 3-5 years like the current path you may be on. Breath in again, be you, and spread that message. Business will find you in return.

To be a REAL'tor you MUST be REAL. 


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