Sunday, December 7, 2014

Transaction Generation > Lead Generation

Strange concept right?

A company that generates transactions for you, NOT a company that generates leads for you.

Is something like that even possible? The answer to that question is, yes and it even exists. I would like to introduce you to A revolution in the Real Estate Transaction experience.

I am sure if you, much like we have, talked to Realtor's today, most are upset. Some, even down right pissed off. Why? They feel that they are wasting their money, in some cases, when paying a company to generate leads in their business.

Rmatchmakers has created a solution. What is it? Consumer Pairing. Transaction Generation.

Think of online lead generation that exist today. Then, think of how today's online dating platforms have completely changed how 'dating' occurs in our modern world.

Now let's combine these two things into a platform for both Consumers and Realtor's. Rmatchmakers is now able to uniquely capture all of the consumers information and pair that with the Real Estate Agent's desires in clientele.

Thus, Transaction Generation is born. They are not merely generating leads in your business as they are taking your desires and generating seamless transactions in your business time and time again.

Rmatchmakers is not promising you massive amounts of leads, they are promising you the perfect experience you seek with all of your clients. The opportunity to be paired with a consumer that has every quality you seek in a transaction.

One of the rules to running a successful business is to be the real you. (REAL'tor) Be the person that you want to be and you'll attract the people you want to attract.

'The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.' -Walt Disney 

"One of the reasons I love this company so much is that we are connecting real people to get real results" - Founder of 

"This is the start of a  revolution in this business for those agents that have had enough. We aren't charging Realtor's to generate leads in their businesses. We are partnering with Realtor's, we are learning about these people. What they like, what they don't, what they look for in a transaction and a customer. We care about these people and they can see that. This is a company genuinely created for the Realtor that also serves the needs of the homeowner. You aren't going to find that anywhere else. 

Transaction Generation now exist thanks to We are committed to bringing you results and we do that by bringing you qualified clients to do business with." 

Most of the homeowners and or future homeowners out there in the world today really don't initially understand why Agent's are so important and what they provide in their service. This is an opportunity for Rmatchmakers to connect with the consumer in a non-biased way and further sell the benefits of an agent while matching them with the RIGHT agent for their needs. Thus creating a greater rate of returning clients to the Real Estate Industry as a whole. 

This industry is looking for an answer, and I think they've found it. This company is going to change the way 'Leads' are brought into a Real Estate Agent's business. As a matter of fact, it wipe 'leads' out of the conversation. This company is going to revolutionize how transactions are started in the Realtor's business. 


At December 1, 2015 at 11:51 PM , Blogger faryal naaz said...

This is really tremendous that the way you describe I'll really appreciated your work.hope i'll come back to get some more information .ThanksHome Buyer Leads


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