Thursday, December 4, 2014

'The Top 5 Things you HAVE to do to Survive as a Realtor in this Economy

Haven't you always wondered why it is 10% of Realtor's actually do 90% of the business?

I have that answer! It's because 10% of the agents in this country actually know what they are doing. Still yet, baffling, right?

Now before you get all mad, know it's not your fault, to an extent. In most cases it's your brokers or brokerages. You got all excited about getting into Real Estate. The money, the seemingly comfy lifestyle. The only problem? Whoever got  you into this business forget to tell you, you actually have to work. So when you finally get over the fact that you are a Realtor and you don't know what you are doing, rest at ease knowing there are many, many solutions!

The reason most Realtor's have failed in the past is because they haven't known what to do,. they give up eventually, and get out of the business.

So how can YOU prevent failure in this industry? Commit to these 5 things and you're destined for success!


Yes, you actually have to work in this business. You can meander on by, but you're really just wasting space in an industry filled with people better than you who would appreciate what market share you've captured much more than you do. When you get over the fact that you've just gone to class fro 2 weeks to get a license to sell someone the largest investment they will ever make in their life (in most cases) understand, this is a lot of work. I am not saying it's hard by any means, and sometimes it can be, it's a lot of work. If you are not prepared for that, go to your broker right now, hand him your pocket card and do the Real Estate world a favor. If just the thought of what I just said upset you, stop reading this, go to your broker right now and hand in your pocket card. You're a part of the problem not a part of the solution.

Expect the long hour weeks, the constant ringing of the phone (and for the love of god answer your damn phone), the weekends that have somewhat disappeared, and the nights you typically spend with your family. IF you want to make in this business, at least to start, you need everyone to know who you are and what you do. And you can't do that sitting at home every night piddling around on social media. Unless however, you embrace #2.


Go to the nearest computer you can find and don't leave it until you have mastered Social Media. A huge problem that we have seen in this industry is that technology has passed it by. While most of the agent's are literally turning their noses at Social Media, the agent's that have embraced it are passing you by at the speed of light.

Facebook is most certainly your money maker, if and only IF, you know how to use it for business. Don't know how to Facebook? Sit on your computer right now until you know everything there is to know about Facebook. Then follow that up with Instagram and Pinterest. Twitter will be far less pertinent to you as a Realtor unless your are in a larger metro area or you're a larger franchise company recruiting for growth.

Now remember what I just said, this industry will leave you in the dust, much like it is already doing, if you don't embrace this and UNDERSTAND it NOW. It is not enough to know what it is, you must understand it and much like Rule 1 you must WORK it. Every. Single. Day.


Many of you unfortunately know nothing about business, which is mainly the reason you are still sitting here not sure what to do next. The 10% of this industry know how to run a business and know how to do it successfully. You look at spending money as an expense and goodness gracious how wrong you are. You HAVE to market yourself and to do that you get to invest in yourself. This is not money that you HAVE to SPEND, this is money that you get to invest in you, much like savings, only this money is multiplying at much fast rate than your bank account CD.

It is important for you to understand that your are not a Realtor first, You are a marketer that just so happens to specialize in Real Estate, but I will dive more into that in a second.

You're must change this mindset you have, even if your low on cash, you're about be lower and lower and lower if you don't get out of the mindset that you don't have any money. You have all the money you need to invest in anything you want, you just don't value the marketing, thus you don't value more money so answer us all this, why should the world bless you with any more of it? When you invest money, when you give money, the planets align with the fact that you are responsible with this money. That you will use it to make more money and to bless more people. Yes, giving will not only increase your business but will fill your heart and make you a better person/Real Estate Agent.

So, I'll finish this Rule by asking you this question: Do you understand why you don't want to and or are afraid to invest money in yourself?

Ok, I'll answer it too. You are afraid to invest because of you. You don't believe in yourself. Now I know that is a tough thing to read but it is as true as you are sitting there reading this. It doesn't matter how little money you have in your pocket, find the most effective way to utilize the funds and invest it, IN YOU. It will multiply, I promise.

Leading onto my next point...


A lot of you don't understand. You don't understand what to do, how to market, who you are, why you're in this business, why you want to make money, you just don't understand it.

'We're in an age that we are drowning in information but searching for wisdom.' - Tony Robbins

You need to understand first and foremost why you are in this business. So please take 2 minutes and write it down, I will wait....

Awesome, I hope you are clear on that now. Finding your purpose and understanding your WHY is crucial to your success. Not just in Real Estate but anything in life. You must know why you do things. Write them down often and don't stray from them. Your life may change and so will your needs but your WHY is your power.

Now also answer, WHY do you want make more money? What are you going to do with it? This is important to clarify. Structuring your finances before your start piling in cash is very important. What will you turn around on each check and invest back into your business, what will you save for your future, how much will you tithe or utilize to help other people, pay your taxes and then clarify how much or what percentage of your checks will be left for your expenses. It's not that you need to use ALL of your check on your personal needs, you need to sell more house. The only way to do that is to continually invest in you.

Understand, as I said earlier, you ARE NOT a Realtor first. You are a Marketer, a salesman. You just so happen to specialize in Real Estate. This understanding is key. The goal is to utilize your skills when you have the opportunity as a Realtor, but you will never have the opportunity if nobody knows what it is that you do and how well you do it. Market yourself at every opportunity so you can be a Realtor!

Understand HOW to accomplish these things...


Your broker took a test to ensure his legal on knowledge on this industry, he will ensure that your documentation is properly aligned and signed to remain compliant. In most cases this is an older gentleman or woman. Very nice, always there for you. Unfortunately, he/she in most cases is not up with the times on the most Modern Marketing Practices.

This leaves more than a million Real Estate Agents a year wondering how to get from point A to point B.

From what we have studied it takes, on average, three to five years for the average Realtor to 'make it'. This is 1000 times too long. Sadly, because these agents are forced to figure it out on their own. Studying and testing, searching for the right formula to find what works for them and their business.

Find yourself a Real Estate Coach, a Mentor, a Tudor, somebody that has tested these topics and proven them. Someone that can personalize your business plan to you and someone that can clearly guide you from point A to point B. Someone that understands business and how it works the most successfully. This type of investment in yourself will yield the life you've always wanted in a 1/3 of the time.

But as you search for this Mentor, ensure that they are MOST up-to-date with Modern Marketing Practices as this has proven to be the single most important marketing subject going into 2015 in your Real Estate business.

For me, information on Programs designed to get your immediate results in your business; from Social Media specific to fully Personalized Master Coaching Programs check out Realtor MASTERMINDS


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