Saturday, December 6, 2014

It's ALL about Quantity of Leads!

You are probably sitting there thinking, "Well this guy has no earthly idea what he is talking about".

If you don't think it's ALL about the quantity of leads, you're wrong. Now. That quantity is certainly all about quality as well.

The thing that most lead generation companies play off of is your mindset towards quantity. Your typical next question: Well how good are these lead? What are my chances of getting to the closing table with leads?

Then, once they've sold you on the quantity of leads they will provide you and the fact that you getting to the closing table is "all dependent on your sales abilities' (taking a quick shot at your ego) you're in, and two months later you're pissed because you are in a contract you can't get out of!

There are a number of scenarios that play out with online lead generation and it's either your fault or it's the company that you have hired to bring these leads to you. So, which is it?

Something that lead generation companies will take full advantage of is most peoples desire for quantity. This makes the quantity>quality sales pitch very, very interesting to you.

"We are going to generate you so many leads, lawdy, you'll be able to retire in 2 years!"

This approach is why you are so mad at companies like Zillow and Trulia, they have, in fact, done what they told you they would. They have generated the 'leads' they promised you. The fact that they are really mere impressions to some website are beside the point and you can be re-assured you WILL pay for these 'leads'.

So whose fault is this? Yours or theirs? They did what they said they were going to. You were the one that didn't close these people.

Is it because the 'leads' weren't good enough or because you were not prepared to properly handled these leads? That's a tough question for some to answer and I can imagine that if you are feeling angry right now, you have your answer.

Once again, don't get all mad. Look it's not ALL your fault. In most cases this just comes from not knowing. Most importantly right now, its about knowing that you must keep looking at quantity but it's quantity of quality leads. Being that is the case, START looking at WHAT all of these leads mean to you. These are in fact leads that could one day if not today be in a position to do business with you.

So we have a number of leads:

1) Hot Leads
2) Warm Leads
3) Cold Leads
4) Not leads at All

Look at what those things say there.. they are ALL leads. You have to help these leads understand why YOU are the one to serve their needs and not someone else. In most ALL cases, these people WILL buy from someone but will they buy from you?

Hot Leads will go with you because you were the recommendation and they need to look no further.

Warm leads need to be sold. This is a tipping point in a transaction. Can you sell these people on you or will your lack of understanding of who you are send these people to another agent?

Cold Leads just need to be incubated. They are buyers that need time for various reasons but they are still buyers. What will you do with these leads? Don't look for instant gratification from every single lead that crosses your desk and understand these people WILL buy from you as long as you continue to care about them. Make sure you have an automated follow up system in place and prevent the fallout.

The 4th type of lead will take care of themselves. You simply have to ensure that you did everything in your power to keep them. Once you've set your system in place, USE IT!! These people will make their decisions based on your processes. If they like you they will stay, if they don't, they won't. This is a good thing not a bad thing.

Obviously from this, your current goal is to bring in more HOT leads. From that you will bring in the other 3 types of leads and you need to be prepared for that. But what companies out there can bring you these leads?

Social Media driven leads are costing you LESS money and CONVERTING into sold business at a much higher rate than traditional Lead Gen companies. I would highly suggest you invest in the knowledge of generating this business.

If you don't care to do that and or you feel you cannot fathom spending money on education, check out

This is a company designed to bring you HOT leads. How? Consumer Pairing. Rmatchmakers will match each client with you based on your desires in a transaction experience. A company that digs in to find out what type of client YOU want to work with and pairs you with said client based on the consumers needs.

Quick 90 Second Description:

A company committed to bringing you 5-10 TRANSACTIONS a year. (Quality)

Rmatchamkers is not promising more leads than you can ever have. They are promising quality in every transaction experience based on your desires and the consumers needs.

A predestined experience.


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